K-Learning | September.30.2024

Learn Real Korean the Fun Way with A-TEEN: Experience Korean High School Vibes


Learn Real Korean with the Web Drama

A-TEEN (에이틴)



Is there a more fun and immersive way to learn Korean than just studying from a textbook? Of course! Watching great dramas or movies is a perfect way to experience Korean culture while learning the language. The drama we're introducing today is the best choice for this. A-TEEN gives you a glimpse into the daily life of teens, using the exact phrases and expressions that real Korean high school students use. If you're looking to study Korean, this drama is a must-watch! 


🖐 And remember, the small letters in [ ] below are how you actually pronounce the words!



🎬 A-TEEN (에이틴)



A-TEEN is a web drama that aired in 2018, capturing the everyday life, friendships, love, and struggles of Korean teenagers in a realistic way. It touches on the real problems and emotions teens go through, so many people can relate to it. What makes this drama stand out is how it shows the true lifestyle and language of Korean high school students. You’ll see conversations in the classroom, trendy slang used among friends, and even real abbreviations. It’s like a treasure trove for anyone who wants to learn Korean. Especially if you're looking to learn Korean slang and abbreviations, this drama is perfect. Just keep in mind that some of the slang can be tricky, so studying the abbreviations separately while watching could help you understand it even better!



🎬 Where Can I Watch this Drama?



[Click here]

😊 Watch first without subtitles, then watch again with them on. 




📑 여사친[yeo-sa-chin]

Female friend


This is a common abbreviation used by people of all ages, regardless of gender.



🎬 ATEEN 1 – EP 1 [Click here!]

📌 1:09 ~1:11 


��🦱 Female: 얘는 그냥 여사친. 여자 사람 친구 

👨🦱 Female: She's a [yeo-san-chin], just a friend. Nothing more. 



[yeo-sa-chin] is a shortened version of the Korean words for 'Woman() + Person() + Friend()', and it simply refers to a female friend, with no romantic context.  


For example, if you're talking about a girl you hang out with at school or work in a casual, friendly way, calling her [yeo-sa-chin] is spot on. 


Then, how would you refer to a Girlfriend in a romantic sense?  

That would be [yeo-chin], the shortened form of 구[yeo-ja-chin-gu].  


People sometimes mix up [yeo-sa-chin] and [yeo-chin], but remember, [yeo-chin] refers to a romantic relationship. Using these terms correctly helps keep conversations clear and to the point!




We say a man, 남자[nam-ja]. 

So, what do we call a male friend in Korean? 





Then, what do we call a boyfriend? 






📑 헐[heol]

An exclamation in one word, learn how to use it below



🎬 ATEEN 1 – EP 24 [Click here!]

📌 5:02 ~5:03 


👱‍♀️ Female: 헐! 헐헐헐

👱‍♀️ Female: [heol]! [heol] [heol] [heol]



While watching A-TEEN, you’re going to hear the word [heol] a lot.  

It’s one of the most common exclamations used among Korean teens. 


[heol] can express a wide range of emotions all at once. Whether you’re shocked, speechless, surprised, super happy, or even really sad… you can use it in almost any situation, even when you're a little disappointed! 


It’s like the perfect one-word reaction when you don’t know what to say. In Korean, it’s super simple, but the meaning behind it can be endless. 


In A-TEEN, the characters often use [heol] when something unexpected happens. Since it’s such a common word in real life, especially among teens, it’s a must-know expression! And don’t think it’s just for students—now everyone, from kids to adults, uses it in their everyday conversations.




This drama is your chance to learn real, everyday Korean—the kind you won’t find in textbooks or boring lectures. With A-TEEN, you’ll get to know Korean culture better and pick up the kind of conversation skills that’ll help you connect with your Korean friends. Studying Korean with this drama won’t just be learning—it’ll be super fun and exciting! 




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